How Labgrown Diamonds Can Be More Meaningful Than Real Ones

How Labgrown Diamonds Can Be More Meaningful Than Real Ones

Avira Diamonds

The earth nurtures mankind: The air, water, earth, sky, sun, moon, stars, ocean, mountain, desserts, and different species of flora, and fauna are the important components of this unparalleled creation that constitutes the ecosystem of the world. However, the natural resources are not merely enough to cater to the needs of the ever-growing human population and aspirations. Our earning for more has negatively impacted the environment. For instance, Diamond mining has caused soil erosion, deforestation, and ecosystem destruction. The need for diamonds isn't going to reduce but we can reduce the impact they have on the environment.:

On this World Environment Day, June 5th, 2022, we explore a new era in diamond jewellery

Lab grown diamonds

What Is a Lab Diamond?

A lab diamond is any diamond that is grown in a laboratory. Lab-grown diamonds are created using the same techniques that have been used for thousands of years to grow mined diamonds — but with a few key differences:

Lab-grown diamonds are created using carbon gas (CO2) and hydrogen gas (H2). The gases are compressed under high pressure until they become liquid CO2/H2 at high temperatures, which then form into liquid droplets. These droplets rapidly cool into crystals known as “seed crystals” that contain all the necessary information for building a diamond structure. The seed crystals are placed into an apparatus where they grow under extremely high pressure and temperature conditions similar to those found in the earth’s mantle beneath our feet, over time transforming the tiny seed crystals into beautiful round brilliant cut diamonds.

The planet is our home. We all need to take care of it so that our future can shine bright like a lab-grown diamond.

Lab diamonds are real diamonds, grown in a lab and made with the same physical, chemical, and cosmetic characteristics as mined diamonds.

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